Month: October 2018

Autumn again

Photo: Claire Doble


the nostalgia of street corners

so ordinary and familiar

little things that stack up to life

one step, step, step

day after day

years, even

and in autumn

when everything’s dying off after abundance

I weep

over a final mundane journey

ragged leaves scuffing my way

a boy outgrown/ growing up

a closing door

era’s end

and like a film, it’s golden in there

that final crack of light

glowing yellowbrick road curling

back to the recent past

even the tough times

I know. I knew, I know

how shit things were/are/were

but they’re already bathed

in the liquidamber of sealed memory

the beauty

of inaccessibility (don’t ever change!)

and what if I’m only now getting used

to accepting the seasons

and it’s all starting to make sense

and I could relax into it

just about

feel the lull of acceptance

a way life could be?

and I know every other fucking poet

said it already

but this is mine


Photo: Claire Doble




permission, confession, absolution

I want to talk about asking permission

they don’t say don’t… just do

but then there’s me too, consent… permission

owch. It’s all context, true


I want to talk about needing confession

put it out there, tell your truth or

keep it secret, safe

admit it, stake your claim

take. Something. from/for me.


I want to talk about craving absolution

the way I probe my mind’s wounds

touching, brutally, cutting away

because I deserve it,

and need to feel that pain

hurt myself today


bad blood flows free



clean slate… for me?

don’t need permission to be

but ache for

you forgive


understand, justify



where are we


I recorded this because I feel like it needs to be spoken. My ageing computer unfortunately didn’t realise it was in the presence of poetic genius and somehow opted to use the in-laptop mic instead of the proper one I’d plugged in so the sound is really shit. Sorry! Soundcloud link :

razor mind

probe at the sore spot
brain is a blade
serrated, sharp, a leaf or tongue
push into wound
how harsh the bruise
could be
what pressure
roll up a sleeve
do you see scars, no
little white marks
from long ago
those cutting thoughts
file away inside
could no longer
feel a warm body.
my mind
lashes, unexpectedly
if the badnasty fuckedup addiction of
cruel, shitstinking deadeye

absents itself
does one celebrate
or mourn
evil joys?
to identify
that creepy, suppurating line…
maybe scabs
some comfort
after all