Don’t Stop

Underwater cake

So poetry month is over. Time to get back on that prose stallion. Put away my poetry hobby horse. Or something.

I really enjoyed NaPoWriMo. I went into it almost blind and very last-minute. I actually only discovered a poetry month existed about two days before the beginning of April and thought “I enjoy writing the odd poem, why not be in that?”

The results proved more absorbing, engaging, entertaining and challenging than I would have expected (if indeed I’d had any expectations!). I’d love to keep doing something like this or start another creative project but I’m going to attempt to give myself some downtime first and regroup (if indeed that is possible for me… ha ha)

It’s funny because the very first post I wrote on this blog was a poem – Moving Day – written on our final day in the house we owned in London before relocating to Switzerland. I guess this is my journey.

Some other unexpected benefits of poetry month included getting more blog readers and followers (there’s almost 100 of you now, hello!) and reading a lot of other people’s work. As things tend to happen in that kismet-way, the poetry month happened just a few weeks after I joined a local Bloggers In Switzerland group on Facebook. Both experiences have helped me become a better blogging “citizen”. I’m now reading, following and commenting on a lot more blogs and I’m discovering some great stuff as well as feeling like part of a nice online community.

I don’t want to do a blogroll at this stage, but in the spirit of being a good blogging citizen (Blogizen?) here’s three out of many cool poet/writer’s blogs I came across during April:

So what now? I was going to call this blog post Whatever Next?! in homage to some kids book, but then the Aerosmith song came on my iPod this morning and it seemed more appropriate. There’s a lot of moving parts in our lives here in Switzerland currently so I will just have to see where it all takes me. Part of me is super-excited, proud and maybe a bit dazzled about achieving 30 poems in 30 days and what that might mean for my future creative projects. The other part is not nearly so positive. At all. Luckily poetry is a movable feast and I guess I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon…

The photo is because some people mentioned they’d like to see the Underwater Cake mentioned in my final NaPoWriMo poem – Ende.

And, what the heck, another poem just so my new followers don’t feel they’ve been led astray




Some people pant pictures

Others play guitar

I’m doing poetry now

That’s who I are


Not a great fit with motherhood

Can’t stop to care

There’s no downtime anyway

I’m just being Claire





  1. Hahahaha, “some people” was me – thanks for the pic! Lokking great!

    Congratulations on diving fearlessly into the writing challenge! I am part of two monthly ones if you’d like to join, once your break is over!

    1. Yeah I was thinking about that. I suppose you could do the A-Z one any month… ? I also read one lady’s blog of a 365-day challenge… maybe once the kids are both in school! 😉

  2. Hi Claire, great to discover your blog. I am jealous of the name! Well done on the poetry challenge, I look forward to reading more from you, Clare

  3. I like it. I like this Claire. This is light and this is action with little despair.

    Dark can be good as well but it can be hard to tell

    When soul shadows scream and blare

    And doubts and recriminations flare

    So Claire keep writing and foster your inner scribe

    And share this wonderful resonant vibe

  4. You have a knack for cakes! (and poetry!) Great job finishing out the month and sticking with it!!

  5. So nice to read your post. We also lived in London before moving to Zurich. I do miss the hustle and bustle, eating out, and all the beautiful parks. But Switzerland is gorgeous.

      1. Oh I absolutely loved London with tiny kids. I loved the one o’clock group by our house, our two Commons, our high Street with so many amazing child friendly restaurants, I loved all the shops, the people in our neighborhood and all the iconic London tourist attractions. I realize now that we are in Zurich how amazing it is here. But I still miss London.

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